When I used to get sick and mom would take off a bit of work to care for me, I would­n’t have much of an appetite. Often, I’d request ice cream, and, not get­ting it, would be told that I’m obvi­ous­ly not that sick if I want to eat ice cream. A com­pro­mise was usu­al­ly reached with straw­ber­ry gelatin, which I only want when I’m sick.

Moth­er’s day this year was kind of a bust. I went home, but halfway through Sat­ur­day mom came down with a fever so we left the auc­tion we were at and I hauled her home and attempt­ed to care for her. Now I know where my crotch­ety nature when I’m ill comes from. I final­ly con­vinced her to get in bed and lat­er in the evening she want­ed some­thing to eat. What did she want to eat? Ice Cream. I gave her some.