Here is the sec­ond install­ment in the epic strug­gles of Joe Bob. I put in a bit of sound with this one and it will start once the flash file loads, so you might want to make sure you have head­phones plugged in. I edit­ed the mp3 with Audac­i­ty, an open-source audio edi­tor, which was okay, but the inter­face is so spare that I had to use some inge­nu­ity to extract the parts I want­ed. I did­n’t spend much time clean­ing up the files either. I fig­ure that is some­thing I can save for a bet­ter and longer ver­sion of a Joe Bob adven­ture. The song is called “Skate Out” by The Mov­ing Side­walks and is from the movie Ska­ter­dater. I down­loaded the file from Record Broth­er, which you should check out since it has all kinds of stuff from old crum­my movies, lots of them blax­ploita­tion flicks. I think I might have to crum­ple and buy a tri­pod if I decide to keep mak­ing Joe Bob films. Doing every­thing from plain amer­i­cain table­top is too bor­ing. You can look at a cou­ple of still pho­tos from the pro­duc­tion process here. Any­way, here are 14 more sec­onds from the life of Joe Bob. Enjoy.

Length: 00:00:14
Size: 2.8 MB