with four rel­a­tive­ly decent sized papers loom­ing over me this east­er week­end i am stay­ing on cam­pus for the dura­tion. the papers are due as fol­lows

  1. April 24th — Film The­o­ry — 8–10 pages. I’m writ­ing on how class struc­tures are assumed into racial iden­ti­ties and how that plays into film spec­ta­tor­ship in Spike Lee’s Bam­boo­zled.
  2. May 2nd — Irish Cin­e­ma Cul­ture — 10 pages. I’m writ­ing on the dif­fer­ing por­tray­als of Irish immi­grant com­mu­ni­ty life in Far and Away and Gangs of New York.
  3. May 4th — Oth­er­world­ly Lit­er­a­ture — 10–12 pages. I’m writ­ing on how J.R.R. Tolkien’s var­i­ous works are filled with an almost atavis­tic sense of his­to­ry through a frame of Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture in a world­wide form.
  4. ?????? — Inter­na­tion­al Migra­tion — 6–10 pages. I’m not real­ly sure what I’m going to write about this. I’ve only been to two class­es.