i don’t put on weight very well, so this is of utmost import. since the end of last semes­ter i have gained 10 pounds. i am now a 6′2″ 170 pounder. the only prob­lem is that i can­not fig­ure out where it went. my pro­por­tions are all the same, i still don’t have a hind end, but per­haps it isn’t quite so easy to see my ribs (and my heart­beat) any more. if i put on 10 more pounds i’ll be right where i want to be weight­wise. per­haps it is all of the Sub­way sand­wich­es i eat. I don’t know how Jared lost weight eat­ing sub­ways. I’d think reg­u­lar­ly eat­ing foot­long sub­way melts or steak and cheese subs with dou­ble meat dou­ble cheese and extra sauce would make you gain weight not lose it. hell it guess its worked for me.