Since today is the busiest day of my week i’m just going to give you my home­work assign­ment for my poet­ry writ­ing class.

the assign­ment: Write a poem in the third per­son about an event exter­nal to you. The even does not have to be famous or on a large scale. (Do not write about Sep­tem­ber 11).

the result:

An angler sits on the river­bank
Wait­ing for friends to call
One has whiskers
The oth­er a lantern jaw

With line in deep waters
Clouds and time stream by
For com­pa­ny a squir­rel
And a hunt­ing hawk’s cry

He thinks while he waits
Check­ing the worm on his hook
While day flows to dusk
And shad­ows the brook

When night final­ly falls
He packs up and leaves
No fish joins his meal
And there is wind in the trees

There is no great shame
To leave with­out fish
And expect­ing to catch one
Is cer­tain­ly fool­ish

Its not about sport
The fish­er­man’s part
Its hook­ing the silence
That makes it an art

i’m sure this will make its way over to ver­balimpo­tence even­tu­al­ly.