i’ve stopped even mak­ing the attempt to get up ear­ly enough to do basic hygiene before stum­bling into work. at the beginnning of the sum­mer, i strove to start my sched­ule at 9 in the morn­ing but since clus­ters open at 8 i was not per­mit­ted to sched­ule myself at 9 with­out also sign­ing up for 8. this was­n’t a ter­ri­bly big deal since for the past three years i have been get­ting up at 5:30 in the morn­ing to go to work. so i start­ed get­ting up at 7, show­er­ing, eat­ing a bit of break­fast and then going in to work. this worked out well until i start­ed my night job. then, get­ting back into the dorm at one in the morn­ing made get­ting up 6 hours lat­er much more dif­fi­cult. at first i start­ed get­ting up at 7:15, then that turned into 7:30, now my alarm goes off at 7:45 i sleep for anoth­er ten min­utes, roll out of bed and wan­der over to the clus­ter right as it opens. my breath smells, my face is greasy, i’m pret­ty sure the these shorts i’ve been wear­ing are the only ones i’ve ever had in my entire life. my hair is mussed, i need to shave. flow­ers wilt before my pres­ence and chil­dren are afraid of me. thank­ful­ly, once lunchtime rolls around, it is just as easy to wan­der back to my room and show­er up. only 9 more twelve hour days until i actu­al­ly get some­thing resem­bling sum­mer vaca­tion. alright!

i found the CSS ref­er­ence sec­tion in Dreamweaver. Now i can actu­al­ly start fid­dling around! but lo and behold, one of my pre­vi­ous pages was pret­ty much done in CSS and i did­n’t even know it. grant­ed, that was the page that a stole prob­a­bly 80% of the code from, but it was a good learn­ing expe­ri­ence. maybe this won’t be as bad as i had expect­ed.