i sup­pose i’m un-Amer­i­can. i don’t want war with Iraq. I see no moti­va­tion for it apart from a famil­ial grudge held by the man cur­rent­ly rec­og­nized as our the Amer­i­can pres­i­dent. i think the days of ram­pant die-hard nation­al­ism are past. i believe it is time to focus and con­cen­trate on a more glob­al scale. i’m not talk­ing about cor­po­rate glob­al­iza­tion which in my opin­ion is noth­ing more than Amer­i­can impe­ri­al­ism under a dif­fer­ent guise. i’m talk­ing about glob­al human­i­tar­i­an­ism which of course is way too ide­al­is­tic at this point. I do think, how­ev­er, that it is high time we Amer­i­cans at least start mov­ing in that direc­tion. Lord knows, much of the rest of the world is attempt­ing to. i read some­where that our the Amer­i­can gov­ern­ment has a $400 bil­lion bud­get for mil­i­tary spend­ing. i’m pret­ty sure that is more than would be required to pro­tect our Amer­i­ca’s own bor­ders. Instead, it is focused on pro­tect­ing Amer­i­can ‘inter­ests,’ a con­ve­nient term which can be mold­ed to jus­ti­fy our Amer­i­can involve­ment any­where. Amer­i­ca could be a respect­ed part of the world com­mu­ni­ty instead of feared because of its pow­er if we it could just stop being trig­ger-hap­py and real­ize that help­ing out oth­ers will help us Amer­i­ca out in the long run.