back at ND after my 3 day spring break. i’ve writ­ten a gener­ic cov­er let­ter and am primed to send it out amongst var­i­ous pro­duc­tion com­pa­nies to see if they would like to hire me. do you know of any­place to work? i’ll go any­where. i’m seri­ous. i have three more things to type today. a response paper for my film the­o­ry class, a study response for my Oth­er­world­ly Lit­er­a­ture class and a paper pro­pos­al for the same class. i’m pret­ty sure i’m going to write my paper on the use of mem­o­ry in Tolkien’s writ­ings. Ten­ta­tive title is: “Mem­o­ry, Lore and Atavism: The Role of the Past in Tolkien’s Fa rie.”

Appar­ent­ly the fenc­ing cham­pi­onships are going to be closed to the gen­er­al pub­lic. we’ll see if we can pull some strings. stu­pid com­ing war.