labels are use­less. they only serve as lim­iters when applied to a per­son. i am a Fencer, Anthro­pol­o­gist, Hick, or Roman­tic. all of these con­tain some truth but exclude oth­er truths. i am more than a label, and my chal­lenge is to make sure that i do not label a per­son. mul­ti­fac­eted and polydimensional…aren’t we all? per­haps i am ADAM, but per­haps i am more than that. it is hard to know how much cul­ture is a ben­e­fit and how much of it impedes us from self-actu­al­iza­tion. guid­ance comes from with­in but can­not suc­ceed with­out help from with­out. or is it the oth­er way around? what is it that makes team­work so instinc­tive and indi­vid­u­al­i­ty so prob­lem­at­ic. how do i know if i am being true to myself and not delud­ing my psy­che into a realm of my own imag­in­ings?