the pack­rat purge is com­plete and sev­er­al gro­cery bags are now filled with ran­dom para­phre­na­lia that i deemed unnec­ces­sary to store for anoth­er year. today i also washed my car and bought a pic­ture album to house my col­le­giate pho­tographs. my room is now liv­able for the next few weeks.

we need water ter­ri­bly. we’ve had no rain in over a month and every­thing is either dead or dying. the gras crum­bles to dust when it is stepped on, the ground is cracked, there insect count is even low. there is no stir in the air. much of my town’s liveli­hood is depen­dent on the suc­cess of the crop. if we get shat on this year the already depressed eco­nom­ic straits of our com­mu­ni­ty will only be com­pound­ed. i’m read­ing Dou­ble Indem­ni­ty and I expect to com­plete it this evening.

Hap­py 1st Anniver­sary to Bri­an and Alice Stone!