Hap­py St. Patrick­’s Day! w00t! This is the only St. Patrick­’s day that I’ve had the plea­sure of expe­ri­enc­ing at Notre Dame. For some unbe­knownst rea­son, ND usu­al­ly arranges it so that March 17 is dur­ing Spring Break. Hyp­o­crit­i­cal that the pre­mier Irish-Catholic uni­ver­si­ty avoids cel­e­brat­ing said day? of course, ’tis to be expect­ed. We can’t have the stu­dents of the Fight­ing Irish drink­ing and carous­ing now can we. Yes, i know the Irish (i.e. peo­ple in Ire­land) don’t actu­al­ly cel­e­brate St. Patrick­’s Day by cov­er­ing them­selves in green plaid and drink­ing green beer, but isn’t in keep­ing with Amer­i­can cul­ture to bas­tardize oth­er cul­tures to our own ends? Notre Dame was found­ed by the French but is now Irish… and we have even twist­ed the pro­nun­ci­a­tion of our Lady. what­ev­er. its 65 out­side, sun­ny, i ain’t got shit to do till next week and i’m a senior. things can­na get much bet­ter. i’m gonna go find a bit o whiskey.