seniori­tis has offi­cial­ly made its appearence. well, actu­al­ly its been more like a rash that has slow­ly spread dur­ing the course of the semes­ter. its def­i­nite­ly the work­load that is caus­ing it. Inter­me­di­ate Film Pro­duc­tion should be a 6 cred­it class. there is so much that i don’t want to do, i’m not sure if i even have enough time to pro­cras­ti­nate from all of it.

i did sor­ta start a paper yes­ter­day. but i have a quiz today i haven’t even stud­ied for. but i don’t real­ly care, i’m going to pass the class. what i need to do is search for a job. what i did instead was post links to my stu­dent films in the album. i want to be tak­ing my eng­lish class­es next semes­ter. Film Noir has exhaust­ed my inter­est and Cin­e­ma Ide­olo­gies is now in the repet­i­tive stage. i want to be in a new and stim­u­lat­ing place with a job that does­n’t require 14 hour days and lets me have some down time.

i’m not depressed, just tired.

oh yeah, and, i’m get­ting lone­ly again.