Holy Balls! Yes­ter­day was a record day for hits on my site. all of that is owed direct­ly to this Pret­ty Okay Guy at defec­tiveyeti. thanks to him for the shoutout. here is anoth­er one of my stu­pid fill in the blanks.

Rus­sell was on his back fall­en leaves watch­ing the breezes accom­pa­ny­ing the new front mov­ing into town. He’d been there for hours and the pro­gres­sion had either lent him wis­dom or built his wall. The first clouds had been lit­tle shape­less balls of cumu­lous­ness scat­tered around the sky. but slow­ly the March of Time con­tin­ued as is its wont and the lit­tle guys coelesced into a slight­ly more reg­i­ment­ed array, the van­guard of the storm. Then they swelled and the winds grew grey­beard­ed and grouchy. lit­tle spats of mois­ture hit our Russ on his face as he stared at the lead­ing cloud which looked like…