i’m still not quite done yet. i’ve sev­er­al more hours of film­ing to do today as well as a paper to write. last night i final­ly got a bit of time to myself at around 10:30pm when i ate my sub­way din­ner. then i passed out on my bed. after today, every­thing calms down, at least until mon­day. i also have to reg­is­ter for my next semes­ter class­es today. i’m skip­ping my film noir class to type this paper and i hope i don’t for­get to reg­is­ter. i’ve also got a team meet­ing at 6 that i must go to. i hope i don’t for­get about that either.

in oth­er news, an under­ex­posed pic­ture of me can be found ran­dom­ly on the ND home­page or the per­ma­nent ver­sion can be accessed here. I am run­ning errands for the Anthro depart­ment and i have a box of brochures on the hand­cart behind the girl that you prob­a­bly can’t see. i enjoy split­ting claus­es to cre­ate con­fu­sion. and using allit­er­a­tion to allude to it.