Another Weekend, Another Party

Back to the grind­stone, although the week­end was pleas­ant. I took off work ear­ly on Fri­day and got my shop­ping done. I had a cou­ple of girls over and we got drunk and had a piz­za and played cards and just talked for awhile. Sat­ur­day I worked on my redesign in Word­Press for awhile and then start­ed to help clean up the gar­dens around Tremont School. But then it start­ed pour­ing so we called it quits. If I have time this week, I’m going to go back and do more. That night I went to my bud­dy’s “No Sleep Till Brook­lyn” par­ty, since he is mov­ing to NYC after this week. There was a lot of real­ly good food. I’m hav­ing him and his wife over for din­ner tonight. Sun­day I bare­ly made it to Mass before it start­ed, did my laun­dry, and basi­cal­ly read the rest of the day. It was real­ly nice out.