Fury, Dissatisfaction and Imperfection

This post from a while back, and more specif­i­cal­ly, the first block­quote in the post, have hopped up to the fore­front some­what again late­ly here. Yes.

The­sis: Anger stems from dis­sat­is­fac­tion caused by our mor­tal imper­fec­tions.

Some­times we wake up on the wrong side of the bed, and for no dis­cernible rea­son we’re sore-toothed bears. Why does this hap­pen? Well I fig­ure it must be some sort of basic exis­ten­tial thing, some­thing so close to us we can’t grip it. I think it has to do with dis­sat­is­fac­tion regard­ing our con­trol over our own lives and over the world. More com­plex than wak­ing up and being pissed because you don’t want to go into work today; some­thing along the lines of being on vaca­tion and wak­ing up grouchy as hell after an evening of excel­lent pork­ing. Now there ain’t no rea­son to be grouchy after that, right? Well you are. And here is why, I think.

You’re pissed because your per­fect poten­tial is bound by your imper­fect real­i­ty. So, like, orig­i­nal sin is the cul­prit again. The frus­tra­tion and dis­sat­is­fac­tion aris­es from our inabil­i­ty to ful­ly flex our graces, to be like God. And because we have this seed of grace deep down inside that wants to grow, it is going to do what it has to in order to sprout. Get­ting angry for no rea­son is just one way our per­fec­tion is twist­ed by that orig­i­nal sin.

I think.