The Vegetable Moussaka Experience

Last evening I made veg­etable mous­sa­ka and straw­ber­ry short­cake for my friends. I’d nev­er made or even had mous­sa­ka before, and I was sur­prised that I liked it as much as I did. I think I’ll like it even bet­ter with spicy sausage or lamb in it, or maybe it just need­ed to be a bit more dense. It was tasty though, but the herbes de provence over­pow­ered the rest of the fla­vor, in my opin­ion. I’ve nev­er made any­thing where I have to mix eggs and yogurt and pour it over some­thing and then bake it. It sort of souf­fléd itself. The prep time took awhile but I don’t think that both­ers me so much when I can put the actu­al meal in the oven for bak­ing. It makes the kitchen less hec­tic and gives me time to catch up on dish­es.

One thought on “The Vegetable Moussaka Experience”

  1. It was all real­ly good! I agree that spicy sausage (either veg­gie or oth­er) would be good in the mous­sa­ka, but it had a lot of fla­vor with just the veg­gies too.

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