I’ve had this rash that has recent­ly become a full body thing; it itch­es like a cayenne por­cu­pine. Mir­a­cle of mir­a­cles, I man­aged to get not one, but two doc­tor’s appoint­ments today; one with my pri­ma­ry care physi­cian and one with a der­ma­tol­o­gist. I was pleased to dis­cov­er that every lifestyle ques­tion they asked about was answered in the healthy direc­tion, but what I was­n’t so pleased about was the diag­no­sis. I’m aller­gic to sun­light. Poly­mor­phus Light Erup­tion, to be exact. I end­ed up get­ting a cor­ti­sone shot over the week­end to reduce my scratch-mad­ness, and today I got dumped on with 4 pre­scrip­tions, two steroids and two aller­gy pills. I’m sup­posed to wear 30 SPF sun­screen all the time now, too. Boy in the moth­er­fuck­ing bub­ble. Thank­ful­ly my Coun­ty health care kicked in at the begin­ning of the month, oth­er­wise I’d be up itch creek with­out a backscratch­er. The days are much too bright.