Yarf 1

Few things are more dis­gust­ing than walk­ing in on your room­mate shirt­less and see­ing his ape­like back get­ting a back­rub from the girl you were inter­est­ed in until he went for her despite you. I do not even care for either of them any­more because their dis­re­gard is so obvi­ous. I walked out until I felt that I was­n’t going to vom­it and then came in and told her to leave so I could change. She is a whore and so is he. It is sad, sick, and I pity them both. The skin around my eye is crunchy like a piece of old fried chick­en, I think the cold weath­er dried out the rug­burn and gave my eye the “Old Man and the Sea” look. I need to play some Mag­ic. I’m out of prac­tice and my new decks need test­ed. Phil would be inter­est­ed in the my musi­cal selec­tion for the day which for the most part has been Led Zep­pelin and the Pump­kins. I’ll lis­ten to some Machines of Lov­ing Grace this evening at work. Mebbe some PM5K as well as Dis­turbed. I’m in that kind of musi­cal mood. I’ve got work to do like always but I’m not near­ly as stressed this semes­ter in regard to that. I had bet­ter get going on some papers before they start to bite me. I am becom­ing increas­ing­ly more inter­est­ed in the weblog idea… I think I would reg­is­ter my own domain if I did­n’t have to pay for it.