Darth Maul’s Ass

my fever has bro­ken for the time being, but i still have these aches and weird tingly and stretchy feel­ings. i think some unknown force is under the impres­sion that i am sil­ly put­ty. any­way. some site issues. you will need Inter­net Explor­er ver­sion 5 or high­er to get this to appear prop­er­ly if you are using netscape i don’t know what the hell is wrong with the page. it is also opti­mized for 1024x768 screen res­o­lu­tion. and i’ve added a new link to anoth­er one of my bud­dies. our film is too short due to lack of enough good shots but its creepy and that is good. i had some beef stroganoff last night, think­ing that a home­cooked meal would be fine for my stom­ach but i yarfed it up a few hours lat­er. i’ve also been play­ing Jedi Pow­er Bat­tles, and today i kicked Darth Maul’s ass. thank you.