Just Say No to Porno

5.5.02 INT. KEOUGH HALL RM. 435. 10:19am DAY

a few more days and i will nev­er have to put up with my room­mate and his ape­like behav­ior ever again! just say no to porno. in oth­er news hap­py cin­co de mayo! i have com­plet­ed (pret­ty much) 3/5 of my finals and am study­ing for the 4th today. i won­der if i can take the 5th one ear­ly and get out of here soon­er than thurs­day… i am most­ly packed. i real­ized i need a sum­mer read­ing list though. i have a list of a few books but they will most like­ly only hold my atten­tion for a week at most. FEED ME PEOPLE. what should i read this sum­mer while sit­ting behind a desk at mcglinn hall answer­ing inane ques­tions?

prepa­ra­tion as the key to suc­cess is bunk. prepa­ra­tion is the key to not being stressed out when it comes time to do the work that leads to suc­cess. prepa­ra­tion is the key to lazi­ness. by prepar­ing all of my work this semes­ter and keep­ing orga­nized, now that finals has rolled around, i have noth­ing to do. it is won­der­ful. so if you just orga­nize your­self and get the work done ear­ly, your lazy time will be much less anx­ious. pro­cras­ti­na­tion is nice but you still have the anx­i­ety about doing the work. so just get it done and be lazy in peace. laziness=procrastination-anxiety.

today i am fer­ment­ing