Fencing Lesson

yeah, well i’m out­ta con­trol. i’ve also got this embarass­ing per­son­al prob­lem that i’ve had for sev­er­al weeks now. its uncom­fort­able and makes me very self-con­scious. and i don;t know how to fix it apart from going to the doc­tor. and i don’t have time for that.

the above was just filler until i could actu­al­ly have a moment to write. film shoot­ing is eat­ing up my week as tonight i will be spend­ing the whole evening crew­ing for some class­mates. tomor­row = more of same. today i had a good fenc­ing les­son with janusz, my point con­trol was dead on for the most part. at the end i learned a new action: beat‑8 fleche to the arm with a remise to the body. for the lay­man, that basi­cal­ly means i used my blade to knock theirs toward the ground, then leapt at them point-of-the-blade first and tried to hit them on the wrist, fail­ing that on the body. i enjoyed it and i want to make it use­ful. i’m going to try and start using it in the bout.