Poetry Writing 402

appar­ent­ly if i want to get into Advanced Poet­ry Writ­ing 402 I need to sub­mit 5 poems to the prof for her perusal and judge­men­ta­tion. i sift­ed through the pigsty last night and tried to decide if i had 5 pearls to send her. i scrab­bled some sort of sem­blance togeth­er. Mea­gan thinks i should make unti­tled 9 into a sto­ry: ‘it sounds like a sto­ry,’ she said. I told her she would have to illus­trate it. ‘If i make it a sto­ry you’ll have to illus­trate it,’ said I. I did­n’t sub­mit it though.

Next semes­ter it looks as though I will be tak­ing 3 eng­lish and 2 film class­es. I want­ed to take a com­put­er pro­gram­ming class, but they are only open to majors. So instead, hope­ful­ly i’ll be tak­ing Film The­o­ry; Irish Cin­e­ma; Advanced Poet­ry Writ­ing; C.S. Lewis, Tolkien and the Inklings; and Fic­tions of Insan­i­ty.

and for no par­tic­u­lar rea­son: blort, poon, troz, wooble, glo­ty, yarf.