Chair; Anhydrous

chair.jpg Pull up a seat folks, ran­dom­ness is the some­thingerother du jour. There is actu­al­ly some impor­tant info buried in this crap too. I’ve been think­ing alot about moral rel­a­tiv­i­ty late­ly; and my faith. But not always at the same time. Fur­ther cog­i­ta­tions will like­ly arise.

Moose Trap: It has been sug­gest­ed to me that I fill the emp­ty space in my cubi­cle with a moose head. Then when I am bored I can sit astride it and pre­tend I am rid­ing a moose. So I trapped one.

Thanks­giv­ing is rapid­ly approach­ing. My moth­er [may Dog have mer­cy on her soul] might be com­ing up to vis­it ’round that time. Osten­si­bly this is to help me with stuff I’ll need for my apart­ment, but in truth I think she more­so wants to make sure I am not lead­ing a dis­solute life and hang­ing out with weirdos. I’m think­ing about cook­ing up this for Thanks­giv­ing if she comes up.

This game: ai pen­go, is great fun with groovy 1980s syn­the­siz­er dance music. It involves pen­guins and crush­ing mon­sters with ice.

Sub­lim­i­nal Self has anoth­er show upcom­ing. I’ll be on the keys for four tunes. An eclec­tic night of elec­tron­ic music:

Fri­day, Octo­ber 22nd
At the Hi-Fi Club [most poor­ly designed site ever.]
11729 Detroit Ave. in Lake­wood, Ohio

With per­for­mances by:

“Inde­pen­dent artists, lush­well com­bine break-through tech­nol­o­gy and more tra­di­tion­al instru­ments to cre­ate an infu­sion of elec­tron­i­ca and gen­re’s span­ning from rock, r&b and pop. All three mem­bers com­bine their musi­cal tal­ents, thoughts, and philoso­phies to cre­ate an emo­tion­al jour­ney for the lis­ten­er. ”

Sub­lim­i­nal Self
“Dark synth-pop punc­tu­at­ed by dance beats with influ­ences rang­ing from Depeche Mode and Gary Numan to Clan of Xymox and Attri­tion”

“20goto10 cultivate[s] its kinet­ic synth pop sound through tri­al and error, emerg­ing with some­thing at once star­tling­ly fresh and flu­ent in the aur­al syn­tax of clas­sic synth music.”

Along with:
Ethe­re­al Trans­mis­sion
DJ Lean­dro

The show starts @ 8.00
Admis­sion is $5.00 for 21+, $8.00 for 18–20
Prop­er ID is required

If you are look­ing for 1950s kitschy clip art check out Tack-O-Rama. I found it from this list.

Some yokel threw some­thing from their car win­dow a week or so ago and it bounced and nailed my head­light. The light did­n’t go out until a few days ago. So I need to call some place to get a new bulb put in before I head home in a cou­ple of weeks.

Also, I lost my ATM card the oth­er day, but called in and got a hold put on the account until I get my new card. I was so freak­ing starv­ing that I must have for­got­ten to pick it up from the machine.

I want a noren cur­tain.

7 thoughts on “Chair; Anhydrous”

  1. you no know how to change the bulb for your head­light your­self? if not, i can help ya. and i’ll only charge you $5, half the price of what they’ll prob­a­bly charge you at the mechan­ics.

  2. The bulb is shat­tered, not just the fil­a­ment. Thank­ful­ly the plas­tic shield is still in place. I might take you up on it. I need to take a clos­er look at it when it is both light and not pour­ing cold rain out­side.

  3. The Hi-Fi Club huh? Well all I can say is don’t sit on the couch­es. I think dis­ease and infec­tions spawn there. I was shoot­ing wor­ried looks the entire time my mom was sit­ting on them. I don’t think clean­li­ness has vis­it­ed the Hi-Fi “Club” in quite some time.

  4. you are think­ing of the 10–38. it closed down due to noise com­plaints. The Hi-Fi is an actu­al bar with an actu­al stage.

  5. Over the week­end, I heard this recipe for White Cas­tle Ham­burg­er Stuff­ing (yes, as in turkey stuff­ing made out of White Cas­tle ham­burg­ers) laud­ed like Christo­pher Reeve parad­ing into Nazareth astride Dol­ly the Sheep.

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