April Weblogger Meetup

Noth­ing glam­orous hap­pened at the weblog­ger meet­up last night. We talked a bit about putting togeth­er a Cleve­land Wiki, but oth­er than that we just schmoozed, which, while not glam­orous, was still impor­tant. We can build a bet­ter rap­port with each oth­er if we know each oth­er more per­son­al­ly. The Ter­mi­nal Stout at Rock Bot­tom was pret­ty tasty too.

7 thoughts on “April Weblogger Meetup”

  1. Gah! You shoul­da tried the Wall­eye Wheat. That’s my absolute favorite beer of all time.

  2. Luck­y’s has a bit more seat­ing I believe, but either are with­in walk­ing dis­tance of me, so I don’t real­ly mind. 🙂

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