Things to Remember

• Christ­mas Ale is alco­holic.
• Anchor Steam Ale is alco­holic.
• Sam Adams’s Cher­ry Wheat, despite smelling and tast­ing like cher­ry Kool-Aid, is alco­holic.
• Walk­ing home buzzed on rimed-ice side­walks, in adi­das spezials is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly fraught and hilar­i­ous.
• Unex­pect­ed wind­falls of top-notch sci­ence fic­tion and local­ly pub­lished poet­ry mags only occur after a Christ­mas Ale or two.
• Bill the Schiz­o­phrenic will always do the same jokes.
• The World Tour of Beers orig­i­nat­ed at Edis­on’s Pub.
• In win­ter, take your shoes off before hav­ing a piss; oth­er­wise the bath­room floor will be cov­ered with street grime when you wake up.
• Drink a big glass of water before going to bed if you’ve been into the Christ­mas Ale.
• After drink­ing lots of Christ­mas Ale, the next day your knee will hurt like a moth­er­fuck­er.
• Christ­mas Ale.