
I bought a grill yes­ter­day and grilled some sweet corn and burg­ers and made Steve come over and eat some of it. It is an 18.5″ char­coal grill, one of the cheapo deals and even on sale. Nev­er­the­less, the box said the grill was “deluxe.” Which makes me won­der just how crum­my a non-deluxe grill must be. It got the job done though, and will work very well as long as I main­tain it. Ground sir­loin was on sale, so the burg­ers were bet­ter for it. I put Worces­ter­shire sauce in two of them and an impromp­tu spice com­bi­na­tion in the oth­er two. Some smoked Gou­da on top, with let­tuce and toma­to, and those were some kind of deli­cious. The Red Stripe was par­tic­u­lar­ly nice on such a hot day.

Now that I’ve got a grill, I should throw a par­ty.

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