DSC00837Today I rode my bike a near­ly equiv­a­lent dis­tance on the east side, to the City Green­house in the ridicu­lous­ly pret­ty Rock­e­feller Park. Neigh­bor­hood Con­nec­tions was hav­ing an event for all the grantees and any­one else who want­ed to come. The weath­er was per­fect, and most of the folks did some sort of pre­sen­ta­tion or show for their project. There were dancers, tum­blers, vio­lin­ists, some pan­tomime sor­ta stuff from Mor­ri­son Dance and piz­za and ice cream. Jeff Schuler was even there doing capoeira with folks from the Pass­port Project. I man­aged to do some good net­work­ing and I hope I’ll be able to get the lady from the Tremont His­to­ry Project to do month­ly post­ings on his­tor­i­cal items of inter­est on Tremon­ter.

I got a good work­out, since I also helped tear down all the tables and then had to ride my bike back to Tremont. On my way back I saw, some dude who told me to “Get the fuck out of my neigh­bor­hood, nig­ger!” a woman in her 60s [or pos­si­bly old­er] wear­ing a bel­ly shirt [I almost wiped out when I saw that] and heard this crazy noise com­ing from all the cars on the rum­ble strips of Dead Man’s Curve.

I’m frig­gin’ exhaust­ed. All my pics are here.