I got up ear­ly this morn­ing and rode my bike from Tremont to the Mem­phis Dri­ve-in for the flea mar­ket. I killed about an hour and a half brows­ing through all the booths, eat­ing some soft-serve and shoot­ing the breeze. I end­ed up buy­ing Dr. Mario and Pro Wrestling for my NES for $5. Then I went from Brook­lyn to Detroit-Shore­way and the 84 Char­ing Cross Book­store. This is a book col­lec­tor’s book­store and they have some absolute­ly amaz­ing stuff, includ­ing some edi­tions of Edgar Rice Bur­roughs adven­tures with great cov­er art. They’ve got a huge selec­tion of poet­ry, first edi­tions of many books and lots of signed works as well. I end­ed up get­ting a fenc­ing man­u­al from the turn of the cen­tu­ry [the 20th cen­tu­ry]. They’re only open on Thurs­days, Fri­days and Sat­ur­days, or by appoint­ment, but if you love books, you should make the effort to vis­it. They also have a bea­gle with real­ly soft ears.

I rode on home and put some nice thick pork chops in a mari­nade and then went to do my laun­dry where I chat­ted with a cool girl and her Papil­lon. Then I grilled my pork chops on the char­coal grill I picked up last week and they were sim­ply deli­cious. I think pork chops are prob­a­bly always best grilled. Now I’m at Tremont Scoops, where I just pol­ished off a pint of Choco­late Peanut But­ter Cup ice cream. I’m sit­ting out­side, using their WiFi and watch­ing loaded sub­ur­ban­ites pack them­selves into Lol­ly the Trol­ley for this week­end’s Tremont House Tour. I think I’m gonna go home and play some Dr. Mario now.