I Spilt No Milk

I want­ed to have a bowl of cere­al this morn­ing. How­ev­er, the new bag resist­ed my ini­tial attempts to open it until it sud­den­ly burst and toast­ed oats cor­us­cat­ed through my kitchen like under­foot-crunch­ing man­na from heav­en. The bag split com­plete­ly in half so every bit went to waste. I should stick with peanut-but­tered toast. My break-fast was simul­ta­ne­ous­ly bro­ken and unbro­ken.

4 thoughts on “I Spilt No Milk”

  1. Actu­al­ly, I mopped yes­ter­day. But it took 10 min­utes to clean up all the toast­ed oats. They were every­where. I even brought some to work with me…some­how.

  2. Haha…I nev­er fail to have sim­i­lar cere­al-open­ing inci­dents. Haven’t had to wor­ry about it for a while though, as the milk in my fridge expired six weeks ago.

    Um, I am not tidy.

    Update: My fresh­man year of HS my old­er sis­ter and I were eat­ing break­fast. She in a suit for an inter­view and I in my Mags uni­form. A sud­den, but inno­cent, move­ment by myself caused her to think I was going to hit her so she threw her bowl of chee­rios at me. In turn, I tossed my cup of orange juice at her face and dared to watch it stain her new suit before run­ning for my life to the bus. I was pick­ing chee­rios out of my bra for hours.

    That is all.

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