New to Me

My tol­er­ance has been wear­ing thin late­ly for unrea­son­able bull­shat­tery. I’ve got a pep­per-pot of rants a‑simmer on a fair range of top­i­cal­i­ty and have for some time. My typ­i­cal behav­ior is to only be as salty as nec­es­sary when nec­es­sary, but I’ve had some visions of using my still cam­era and mak­ing some video rants to post on YouTube, with the delib­er­ate attempt to offend every­body while also being tongue-in-cheek rever­sive humor pum­mel­ing myself. While this seems like a new to me idea, I have the dis­tinct feel­ing that is is already played. I would need to care­ful­ly craft the rantwrits to not trip with bull­shit and resound not founder. This, I see, as the only pos­i­tive improve­ment that such activ­i­ty would have on my life, where­as apart from gen­er­al enter­tain­ment val­ue to the non-offend­ed, I would be delib­er­ate­ly hurt­ing oth­ers, which is not some­thing to even be con­sid­ered so much as enact­ed upon. The write-desire isn’t very much around any­more, but the music-bug is reassert­ing its old effect. Maybe instead of mouthing off I should start sax­ing it up again. That’s a good way to spell relief.