Yes­ter­day was a bit of a wash in terms of accom­plish­ment. I had some appli­ances deliv­ered ass-ear­ly in the morn­ing, which turned out to be excel­lent, because by 9am I was at the hos­pi­tal with Deb­bie. She’d been hav­ing errat­ic con­trac­tions all night and since she’s 32 weeks along Colleen our mid­wife had us come in for a check­up. Turns out Deb­bie’s cervix was 75% effaced, in prepa­ra­tion for labor. I was an ear­ly bird and it looks like the kid will be too. But not quite yet. They gave Deb­bie a drug that was orig­i­nal­ly used for asth­mat­ics to stop the con­trac­tions, 2L of saline and a steroid shot for the kid to help devel­op his lungs in case he does come ear­ly. Appar­ent­ly male lungs devel­op slow­er than females. Deb­bie had to go back to the hos­pi­tal for anoth­er steroid shot today and she’s on 3 weeks of bed rest. Got­ta keep him in there as long as pos­si­ble

We were at the hos­pi­tal for 6 hours, so I did­n’t get to accom­plish all the things I want­ed in the morn­ing, includ­ing hav­ing my friend Chris come and install a faucet, Punk Rock Soft­ball, and hang­ing out with Rafeeq. Instead, it was time to clean and orga­nize. I was emo­tion­al­ly and phys­i­cal­ly exhaust­ed so I crashed at 9:30 and did­n’t wake up until 8:15.

Today I just went ahead and installed the faucet myself. It took a cou­ple of hours, but I did it well, and now the upstairs is ready for renters.