Forked over for some plant life this week­end. For the most part my yard takes care of itself, daf­fodils and tulips bloom­ing every­where and the ros­es start­ing their warm-up set. I had to repot some sort of suc­cu­lent that I pur­chased in the depths of win­ter for my office, it is doing much bet­ter split between two pots 4 times the size of the orig­i­nal.

Peach BlossomsMy 4 peach trees are in full bloom [pic­tured], but I don’t know how to take care of them. The fig bush died from neglect, since I did­n’t wrap it up dur­ing the win­ter. I need to dig up a peach tree too. The pre­vi­ous own­er removed their api­cal meris­tems, so they only grow out, not up. Like I’ve been doing late­ly. The whole back yard needs tilled and lev­eled, but I won’t have time this year. Maybe this fall…been remov­ing all of the dec­o­ra­tive brick which was slow­ly sub­merg­ing. Free bricks, come and get ’em.

Dug up a yew bush old­er than I am. Neigh­bor across the street said they’d been there as long as she’d lived there, over 30 years. Plant­ed a lilac bush in its place. Got some sort of yel­low flow­er­ing peren­ni­al, some Ger­ber daisies, some omnis­per­mum and gift­ed cro­cus and hyacinth bulbs from Sandy.

All the grass in my front yard is dead.