Although I’ve tak­en the last two weeks off of work to spend time with Abra­ham, I’ve also been doing [and hav­ing done] a lot of work on the house. I’ve been work­ing on the room that you enter from the front door. For lack of a bet­ter term, I call it the par­lor. Here are some pho­tos:
Parlor Painted.
Parlor Painted

I paint­ed, put down quar­ter-round, replaced a pane in the doors to the bed­room, and paint­ed those too. The plas­ter need­ed some seri­ous patch­ing but that was done awhile ago. I’m hav­ing quite a bit of con­tract­ed work done on the bath­room and get­ting a clos­et expand­ed. One of the small rooms is dis­ap­pear­ing to make this hap­pen, but it is cer­tain­ly worth it. Dur­ing this process we’ve found some paint­ed-over hand-made fix­ture gems. Here are some hinges:
Stripped of their paint [and orig­i­nal black enam­el, unfor­tu­nate­ly]:
Stripped Hinges
And restored [thanks to Rus­toleum]:
Restored Hinges
The win­dow sash­es have sim­i­lar paint-encrust­ed met­al­work, and I’m still work­ing on restor­ing the orig­i­nal door­bell [you can see the paint-encrust­ed ver­sion and the emp­ty spot in the pho­tos above]. The door itself is prob­a­bly going to take a week or two of work itself. I’m not look­ing for­ward on the con­stant remov­ing and rehang­ing of it.

There will be pic­tures of the bath­room and clos­et when they are fin­ished.