Week in Review

  • I try to add a bit of vari­ety to my inges­tion of news & polit­i­cal com­men­tary by read­ing pub­li­ca­tions that I con­sid­er to be a bit extreme, but still rel­a­tive­ly rea­son­able. So I sub­scribe to Rea­son for lib­er­tar­i­an posi­tions & Jacobin (“Rea­son in Revolt”, lol) for social­ist ones. Some­thing they have in com­mon is that they only play one tune: “here are the rea­sons [what­ev­er is in the news] isn’t [libertarian/socialist] enough for us”. It gets old quick­ly, and I’ve found myself skip­ping most of what they post.
  • A guy at a Get­Go com­pli­ment­ed me on my sun­glass­es, which I picked because they were as close to Isaac Hayes sun­glass­es as I could find that would also take a pre­scrip­tion. I real­ly wish I could afford, and had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to rock Cazal’s but I guess I might as well get crazy and wish to get some­thing made by Mai­son Bourgeat while I’m at it..
  • It is very dif­fi­cult for me to read mod­ern poet­ry in bites larg­er than one poem a day. I can’t fig­ure out why read­ing stuff old­er than the past 10 years is so much more con­sum­able to me.
  • I’ve real­ized that for awhile I was kin­da “dressed by the inter­net”. I think I’ve toned that down a bit, but it’s still pret­ty damned hard to find #menswear infor­ma­tion that isn’t more cos­tume than style. Per­ma­nent Style is great for bespoke, best in class, sub­tle lux­u­ry & fit-relat­ed items — but I’ll nev­er afford bespoke & the flan­nel-trouser­s/­suede loafers “sprez­zatu­ra” does­n’t fit my per­son­al­i­ty. Put This On is enjoy­able, but they also focus on main­tain­ing a clas­sic fash­ion sense. Well Spent occa­sion­al­ly has good finds but their house look is essen­tial­ly the Pump­kin Spice Lat­te of menswear. I’d like HYPEBEAST if there weren’t 500 posts about shoes & Kanye every day. I kind of read them all and try to take appro­pri­ate bits and pieces, but it is all way too rules-based and none of it real­ly show­cas­es unique looks and dif­fer­ent styles.
  • I guess I like vari­ety, and with the increas­ing spe­cial­iza­tion of “con­tent cre­ators”, I have to work hard­er than I think I should to find it.
  • “Con­tent Cre­ator” as a self-described job-title might be the worst invent­ed job title of all time.
  • I’ve been catch­ing up on my mag­a­zine back­log. My goal is to be caught up ful­ly by the new year.
  • I’m real­ly start­ing notice class priv­i­lege as part of my son’s school­ing. The stu­dents are pret­ty  much expect­ed to have their own com­put­er and mobile device at home to inter­face with all the var­i­ous apps, sites, and sundry oth­er dig­i­tal assets they use for school­ing nowa­days.
  • I’m also try­ing to be less grouchy, but judg­ing by this post, I have work to do.