Downtown NashvilleTry­ing to get a WiFi sig­nal in Nashville is like try­ing to find a pair of fish­net panty­hose at a hard­ware store. Or like being sent on an errand for head­light oil or a foot­ball bat. After my last work­shop yes­ter­day I attempt­ed to go to the one WiFi cof­fee shop I had seen in the vicin­i­ty, but it closed at 3pm on a Sat­ur­day. Sim­i­lar­ly, the Coun­try Music Hall of Fame and the Visu­al Arts Cen­ter were both closed by the time I got to them. I’ll be thank­ful to be back in Cleve­land where it is much eas­i­er to get some­thing stronger than a 1Mbps sig­nal.

I bought a har­mon­i­ca.