The last year was a mixed bag — all of the cre­ativ­i­ty (linocuts & zines below) and ful­fill­ment hap­pened over the first 6 months, more or less, and the rest of the year was gen­er­al­ly trash for myself and my son. Start­ed a new job, and while the pay is nice, the job is ter­ri­ble and the lead­er­ship incom­pe­tent. I’ve been threat­ened with law­suits 4 times, and I can’t hire or spend bud­get with­out over­sight from peo­ple who don’t under­stand my job and aren’t even part of the air­port. The sit­u­a­tion is so des­per­ate that I feel fine say­ing this with no wor­ry about reper­cus­sions. If they fire me for this opin­ion, they’ll be even more up a creek than they are now.

I believe things are start­ing to sort out with Abra­ham, but try­ing to build con­sen­sus on what’s best for him is most­ly impos­si­ble. As a par­ent, the only thing I fear is not suc­cess­ful­ly prepar­ing him to live a ful­fill­ing life with­out me.

I took up weight lift­ing in March — but I’m hav­ing an almost impos­si­ble time los­ing weight, even though I’ve estab­lished a fair­ly strict diet. I am much stronger though.

Hope­ful­ly that strength will help me and my boy get through what­ev­er 2023 throws at us.