I have been lift­ing weights reg­u­lar­ly for a lit­tle over 6 months, and the results are start­ing to become vis­i­ble. I nev­er thought I would enjoy this type of work­out, but I found a good train­er who lis­tened and helped a mid­dle-aged man devel­op his skills at an appro­pri­ate pace. It feels good to assert dis­ci­pline on my body that does­n’t require as much men­tal grit as run­ning or cycling. I no longer have what it takes to push through the “this is such bull­shit” feel­ing; all that juice is used up at my job at the city.

I haven’t man­aged to lose any weight though, Still hov­er­ing around 220, when I’d like to be at 200. When I flex I feel like I look kind of big, but the flab gut needs to go. I need to cut the fat in a lot of dif­fer­ent areas.