Silent Auction CrowdSince I know a bunch of peo­ple who do Meet The Blog­gers they asked me to come to their silent auc­tion and read some poet­ry along with 10 oth­er folks. The space was in the amaz­ing Tow­er Press build­ing, which also hous­es Artefi­no. The first floor artist spaces are reduced rent [$625/mo], but for the most part they are lux­u­ry loft spaces up to $2200/mo. So its nice to look at, but I could­n’t afford to live there. Besides, it isn’t in Tremont.

There was a pret­ty good crowd, plen­ty of food and drink, and lots of excel­lent art items up for bid in the silent auc­tion. I bid on two pieces donat­ed by Tina Vance and I think I prob­a­bly won them. I’m kind of wor­ried and dis­ap­point­ed because there were so many peo­ple there tak­ing MTB up their hos­pi­tal­i­ty, eat­ing the deli­cious food, drink­ing the wine, but not bid­ding on any­thing. I mean, why come to a fund rais­er if you’re not going to donate any bills? Tres gauche. Hope­ful­ly they raised enough from the silent auc­tion to cov­er what they spent on refresh­ment.

The poets were a mixed bag, from high school age to retired and includ­ed the Tech Czar Michael DeAloia, and Jef­frey Bowen, who is the exec­u­tive direc­tor of Greater Cleve­land Habi­tat for Human­i­ty. I was par­tic­u­lar­ly impressed with Mr. Bowen’s poet­ry.

Pho­tos from the event are here.