DSC00924I went to a cab­in in back-coun­try Penn­syl­va­nia this week­end to read poet­ry. 4 Tremont folks [Kate Sop­ko, Nick Traenkn­er, Steve Gold­berg and me] made the trek out to a cab­in in Rock­land to stay up all night and share our stuff with oth­er writ­ers. The guilt-by-asso­ci­a­tions were all through Kent State con­nec­tions and smat­ter­ings of accom­plices from else­where [like me].

Though I’m biased, I think that the Tremont con­tin­gent had the strongest show­ing in the poet­ry field. Some of the oth­er folks were more aca­d­e­m­ic types and read oth­er peo­ple’s poet­ry and excerpts from Nabokov and their own nov­els-in-progress in between dis­cus­sions of Gen­er­al Seman­tics and E Prime.

Mean­while, I stuffed my face with trail mix, dou­ble-stuf ore­os and slept in a ham­mock. It was a fun time and I’m glad I was invit­ed.

Oth­er pics here.